Simulation Gallery
Autorotation of a rotor [OpenFOAM] [2024]

IBM Implementation in OpenFOAM (Lid Driven Cavity) [OpenFOAM-Custom Solver] [2024]

IBM Implementation in OpenFOAM (Channel Flow) [OpenFOAM-Custom Solver] [2024]

Cilia-Particle Interaction [Fortran|MATLAB|C|Python] [2022]

Falling Eliiptical Cylinder (Lattice Boltzmann Method) [MATLAB] [2020]

Modelling Thermal Decomposition and Deformation of a Solid Reactant [Uintah] [2017]

n-Heptane Pyrolysis in a Pan Inside a Semi-Open Container [FDS] [2017]

Deflection of Cook's Membrane using Material Point Method [Uintah] [2016]

River Bed Scour Below Pipeline [OpenFOAM-Custom Solver] [2016]

Two-way FSI of a Cantilever Beam in Compressible Flow [ANSYS] [2015]

Simulation of Coffee Stirred by a Spoon [StarCCM+] [2014]